The Grey Pen Goings

Navigation through a World that's Wild at Heart and Weird on Top.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So After a Few Months, Is Europe the Shizznit?

Not bad, not bad.

I have a Flickr site here, with some pics from travels and old school alike. Pretty hodge-podge, really. And I do consider it on some level ironic that I'm writing a novel told through rolls of film and with treatises on photography when I am in fact a pretty mediocre photographer. The thumbs you see here are mainly my roommate's though--freaking Tom Thumb.

I'm waiting for it to snow and get postcard pretty to take more photos of Prague. And of course, Europe has many nice hot alcoholic drinks, like mead and grog, which can turn a not bad day into

A Thumbs Up Day!

300 pages (Officially today, Hiya!) into a novel of photographs has made me think about the subject a lot. Take the two photos above: Does one look candid? The other forced? Do you know where they are? You might know who one thumb is, but what about the other? What's in his glass, what does his shirt say, who/what/when/where? Whoa doggies--I've thought about that shite so long my mind is in need of redeveloping.


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